Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prophet Mohammad is our perfect role model

Perfect Fit

All praise belongs to Allah, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Knower of the seen and unseen, Sustainer of the perfect balance of the Universe and all its inhabitants. He Alone we worship and His Aid Alone do we seek. He Alone turns in kindness to the servant who has as many sins as there are grains of sand on any beach and drops of water in any ocean. His Mercy outweighs His Wrath and His Justice will always prevail. Entirely dependent are we on His Everlasting Grace and forever do we yearn in this life to attain His Pleasure and earn His Love. Such is the Supreme Achievement.

May the most perfect peace and blessings be upon His Beloved Emissary, the Seal of the Prophets, a Mercy to the Worlds. His birth will be forever marked in the history of the Earth as its happiest moment, and his death will be marked as its most mournful. He is the perfect example, and any who strive with might and main to align their life in accordance with his sunnah will reap the benefit of this struggle, by the Will of Allah, both in this life and the Next. On the Day when our every sin and shameful deed will be displayed before all of creation and its Creator, it will be his intercession that we will yearn for, and he –out of his overwhelming mercy and love for his nation- will refuse the sweetness of Jannah until every member of his ummah is removed from the Hell they placed themselves in. It is due to the barakah of his beloved presence on this Earth that any of us weep for the sake of Allah and that imaan has entered any of our unworthy hearts.

Amma ba’d.

Imagine the following scenario: You have a shirt which you simply love. It fits you perfectly, looks great, falls just right, it’s your favourite colour and is made out of your favourite material. No other shirt you own comes close to this one. You decide that you want another made, so you give it to a tailor and tell him, “Here’s my favourite shirt. I want you to make me the exact same one.” When you return to retrieve it he gives you a shirt that’s the wrong colour, too short and made of polyester. You don’t like polyester. Naturally you’re not going to be pleased. You’ll probably tell the tailor, “I’m not paying you for this. It’s nothing like my favourite shirt. Take it back and make it again.”Such will be the case on the Day of Judgment. Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala created His favourite being, His perfect creation, His beloved Messenger Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim, and He commanded us to follow in his blessed example. He is the perfect mold, the perfect design for us to shape our lives after. Everything about him salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim, from the way he wore his hair to the way he made du’a to the way he sat while he ate, each aspect of his internal and external self was made to perfection by Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala earning him the title of Habibullah, the beloved of Allah.

When we stand before Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala on that fateful Day, we will be measured and judged against the model of our beloved Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim. Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala will show us our heart, point out the spot of envy on it and ask us about it. Such a spot was never found on the heart of the Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim. He subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala will look at our limbs and see how often we made wudu. If they are shining with nur like the limbs of our beloved Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim He will be pleased with us, by His Grace and Mercy. But if our limbs are dark and dry, devoid of the barakah of wudu, then He is Most Just and may well carry out His Justice.
As if his perfection and status before Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala is not enough to make us deeply in love with him salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim, we have his love for us as another inspiration. He salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim used to worry about us. He would fear for us and our deen. Thoughts of you and I would fill his blessed mind with concern and compassion. So much so, that he salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim would raise his perfect hands before Allah ‘azza wa jal and would weep to Him, would cry to Him… he would beg Allah and plead with Allah to keep us firm on the Path to Him. He who is most beloved to Allah, who would be gifted the very heavens had he asked for them, cried to Allah saying, “Ummati! Ummati!” He cried for disobedient, neglectful servants like you and I, so that we would stay on the path of Islam and hold fast to the message he brought to us from our True Beloved subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala. Tears of worry would stream down his beautiful face and fill his beard out of concern that we might stray from the perfection of Laa ilaaha ilAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah.

As servants of Allah, we now plead to Him that He grant us the ability to hold firmly onto the rope of sunnah and to continue climbing to Him no matter what we may face in this temporary world. Oh Allah, please let us not disgrace our beloved Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim on that Day. Let us not be a cause for his having to delay entrance into Jannah. Ya Allah, please fill our limbs and hearts with the nur of sunnah, so that we may become more beloved to You. Ya Allah, let us be among those who weep to you in the predawn hours, as it is so beloved to You that You made it fard upon our Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim. Ya Razzaaq, we have strayed from the sunnah of Your Messenger. We have abandoned that which so many ‘ulema spent their lives protecting and spreading. We have become the distant servants Your beloved Messenger feared we would become. Ya Allah, please rectify our condition. Ya Muqallib al quloob, empty our hearts of the love of this world and fill them with love for You, Your Messenger, his companions and all the rightly guided who ever lived and will ever live until the Day of Judgment. Ya muqallib al quloob, make firm our hearts on Your Deen. Ya Dhal Jalaali w’al Ikraam, we are helpless creatures. Our lives and souls lie in Your Beloved Hands. If You do not help us and save us from ourselves, we will truly be lost. Ya Samee’u Ya Tawwaab, we ask You, we beg You, we plead to You that You grant us the gift of sunnah… that You fill our every cell, from the follicles of our hair to the blood running through our veins, from the corners of our souls to the depths of our hearts with the sunnah of Your beloved Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallim, so that You may have reason to smile upon us on that Day, and purchase our longing souls for Jannat al-Firdous, so we may spend our Eternity in Your Beloved Company. Allahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina Muhammad, wa barik wasallim. Wa aakhiru da’waana anilhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen.

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